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Workshop Unlearn the Body: New Approaches on Disability and Art History

Friday, June 3 and Saturday, June 4, 2022

Workshop hosted by the Rethinking Art History through Disability Research Project, Institute of Art History, University of Zurich. Organized by Amanda Cachia (University of California, San Diego) and Virginia Marano, Charlotte Matter, and Laura Valterio (University of Zurich)

The first part of the workshop’s title, Unlearn the Body, is borrowed from a 2020 video work by the artist Panteha Abareshi.

Panteha Abareshi, Unlearn the Body, 2020. Still from performance shot on super 8mm color negative, 4'55 min.

Image description: A blurred super 8mm film still showing a person wearing white underwear and bandages, bending backwards on the floor, interacting with crutches.

This two-day workshop, entitled "Unlearn the Body: New Approaches on Disability and Art History," brought a diverse group of a dozen thinkers together to focus on methodological aspects in art history and related fields, in order to share and explore different approaches to engage with disability in art (history). We explored the way that methods informed by queer and feminist approaches, critical design and access interventions, global and environmental perspectives, or the notion of materiality can provide new prospects on the topic.

Group photo of the workshop participants.

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